: A systematic literature review
Literature Review Paper Rubric Description of Assignment: You are to locate research articles on your pre-approved topic. You are to write a 20 page literature review paper on the general theme(s) of these articles as it pertains to your topic. A reference sheet, listing the articles should also be included (this does not count toward your page limit). Grading of Assignment: The following rubric will be used to assess your literature review. To calculate your grade, take your total points earned and divide by 40 (the total points possible), resulting in a percentage. See the syllabus for the corresponding letter grade. Rubric: Rating 5 Score 3 1 0 Information is gathered from multiple, researchbased sources. Information is gathered from multiple sources. Information is gathered from a limited number of sources. Information is gathered from a single source. Theme Well organized, demonstrates logical sequencing and structure. Well organized, but demonstrates illogical sequencing or structure. Weakly organized with no logical sequencing or structure. No organization, sequencing, or structure. Background/Foundation Detailed conclusions are reached from the evidence offered. Conclusions are reached from the evidence offered. There is some indication of conclusions from the evidence offered. No conclusions are made from the evidence offered. Research Question Research question(s) are formed through the literature review and clearly stated. Research question(s) are formed through the literature review. Research question(s) were not formed but could be formed through the literature review. Research question(s) were not formed and are not apparent from the literature review. Reference Sheet Information is cited properly and in APA format. Information is cited properly. Information is cited, but has errors. Information is not cited or is cited incorrectly. Length Adheres to 20 page criteria. Exceeds or does not meet 20 page criteria by ½ page or less. Exceed or does not meet 20 page criteria by ½ to 1 page. Exceed or does not meet 20 page criteria by more than 1 page. Format Font, spacing, and APA format are correct. Font and spacing, font and APA, or spacing and APA are correct. Font, spacing, or APA format is correct. Font, spacing, and APAP format are incorrect. Grammar There is 1 or less grammatical error. There are 2 grammatical errors. There are 3 grammatical errors. There are 4 or more grammatical errors. ASSIGNMENT BASICS Articles SUMMARY PRESENTATION TOTAL POINTS
Improving transportation access in rural communities
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