This assignment is based on the Attached PDF. Please include the following citation in the references and cite it according to APA where referenced: Bansal, J., & Rana, S. (2022). Perceived Management of Emotions and Satisfaction with Job of Sales Representatives. Productivity, 63(3), 332-342.
There are five major sections of every published empirical study or research article. (An empirical study is based on observation or experimental data.) These five sections include:
Research question(s)
Data analysis
These sections combined explain what the study was about and the outcome of the study. In addition to the outcome of this particular study, the conclusion/recommendations section provides insight as to what further research might prove valuable.
The article should be under the business or management umbrella on a topic that interests you and is relevant to your career path. The study must contain empirical data.
Possible examples of articles might include:
Factors affecting employee retention
The use of emotional intelligence in sales
The impact of social media on employee behaviors
The impact of Lean Six Sigma in operations management efficiency
The impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) on medical providers
The high rate of IT-based project failures
After selecting the research study article, prepare a 3-5 page paper, not including the cover and reference pages, written in APA style, analyzing the study. Your paper should include the following components:
Provide a brief introduction and background.
Briefly describe the research question that was examined in the article and discuss the data that was used in the study.
Identify if the study was quantitative or qualitative.
Identify the data: primary data, secondary data, or both.
Describe the analysis of the data in the study.
Present a brief conclusion on the outcome of the study.
Identifying the Critical Points of a Research Study
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