MGT375 – The GOAL Assignment INSTRUCTIONS; QUESTION A MUST BE ANSWERED. ANSWER A MINIMUM OF THREE QUESTIONS FROM B. Question A: (write a minimum of 600 words to a maximum 800 words): Identify and explain four different operations management concepts that you have identified after reading The Goal and identify four different situations at your current (or previous job – volunteer or paid) that these concepts could have been applied or were applied. You must clearly identify what your four operations management concepts are and explain their purpose/principle. Question B: (choose to answer a minimum of THREE questions of your choice from list 1 to 10 below – write a minimum of 200 word to a maximum 400 words): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Why is it possible that a plant where everyone is constantly working is inefficient? Why would a balanced plant lead to bankruptcy? Explain the concept of dependent events. Explain the following: “The maximum deviation of a preceding operation will become the starting point of a subsequent operation.” Why does Goldratt recommend that some resources have more capacity than other resources? Why isn’t this a waste of money? What does it mean to classify all resources as either bottleneck or non-bottleneck resources? What actions does the plant take to increase capacity? Explain why Jonah insists that parts be inspected before the parts are processed by the bottleneck. How can the effective capacity of the bottleneck be increased? Explain how Alex can reduce the efficiencies of some operations and claim that this makes the entire plant more effective? ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS: The paper should be written in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman, 12-point font, double space, maximum 1,200 words combined, and submitted via Canvas submission drop-box by Tuesday, Nov. 28 at 11:59 PM. Your paper must include word count. E-mailed assignments will NOT be accepted/graded. You must submit a Word document for this assignment. Your submission must include a cover page with your full name, class section, professor’s name, institution, and date (in this order). Submissions will be run through SafeAssign and grade using grading rubric (see it in Canvas). You are expected to run this assignment through Grammarly and submit your Grammarly report by including it on the last page in your GOAL paper. THIS ASSIGNMENT MUST DONE INDIVIDUALLY! MGT375 – Dr. Bakare, Western Carolina University.
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