Html / CSS Question

Assignment 3 Due Date: April 24, 2024 at 4:30 PM Overview This assignment will be worth 12% of your total grade. The goal is to ensure you understand Client-side JavaScript. Specifications The TUEats sign up skeleton is completed, but there needs to be some functionality added. Please use your text editor of choice to edit tueats.html, and tueats completed.html. tueats.html For tueats.html, you need to: • You must verify that the password fields match. – If the password fields match, allow the user to continue to tueats completed.html – If the password fields do not match, create an alert saying “ensure passwords match” and do not allow the user to continue to tueats completed.html • There are a few ‘invalid‘ referral codes that cannot be entered. You must recognize if a user types an invalid referral code when it is typed into the referral code textfield (with no buttons being pressed other than the typing keystrokes – think of a Google Search). Those referral codes are (remember referral codes are case insensitive): – tucis – bogo – eatgood If a user tries to create an account with any of these referral codes, create an alert saying ”This referral code is invalid” and block the user from registering. • A username must be at least 6 characters but not more than 24 characters. 1 – If a username is less than 6 characters when the user tries to submit, create an alert saying “username must be at least 6 characters long” and block the user from registering – If a username is more than 24 characters when the user tries to submit, create an alert saying “username must be at less than 24 characters long” and block the user from registering tueats completed.html (JS) For this tueats completed.html, you need to: • When the submit button is pressed, display “Hello: ” followed by the username entered on the previous screen. You must also show the account information formatted in a list (ordered or unordered) all of the fields parsed out (name of field: name entered). Here is an example if a user did not enter a referral code: – username: jalirani – email: – password: test123 – password verify: test123 – checkbox: true • If a referral code is entered and is valid (i.e. not one of the invalid codes mentioned above), place in parenthesis “(free meal)” next to the referral code and add it to the displayed list, otherwise, display “No referral code entered”. An example of a valid referral code displayed would look like: – referral code: tu123 (free meal) Notes • Look at keyboard events to help with calling a function every time a user presses a key: W3 Schools • As a recommendation, use instead of the form[x] method to send data from one .html to another. • Although not discussed in lecture, you can also use searchParams instead of 2 Example username not being long enough 3 Example of a reserved referral code that is taken while being typed 4 Example of passwords not matching 5 Example when the submit button is pressed and the user is taken to tueats completed.html Submission Please submit the following on Blackboard: • tueats.html • tueats completed.html • tueats.css (just so I have your full project) • any images or if you used an external .js instead of embedded 6

Html / CSS Question

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