Hello, I need a PowerPoint and a speech for my Business policy class. Presentation and the speech for the presentation are supposed to be for 5 minutes long. The topic is “If you had $100K and you could invest in only one type of industry, which one do you think you’d make the best money in by 2034? Why?”. My industry to invest in is healthcare in biochemistry. I think that we can invest in medicine the next 10 years because we can invent new medications for some diseases for which there is no specific cure.
Consider: -The products/services you’re passionate about. -Consider such things as demographics (e.g., U.S. population is getting older) consumer behaviors (e.g., more people are cooking less), and working trends (e.g., shorter workweeks and more WFH).
Look at two diagrams in chapter 3 — figures 3.2 (components of macro-environment) and 3.3 (five forces model) — they’ll help you explain the “why”. You’ll need to use the five forces model in your presentation.
I will attach two pictures that are named exactly diagrams 3.2 and 3.3, and presentation like an example for my work. Also, the presentation is supposed to be with sources and clear text (like it is in the example
Hello, I need a PowerPoint and a speech for my Business policy class
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