In this assignment, you will be required to calculate descriptive statistics for each numeric variable in the Heart Rate Data Set .
1. Open the Heart Rate Excel Data Set
2. Sort the quantitative variables by class (e.g., Male at-rest heart rate and Female at-rest heart rate)
3. Use the Excel Data Analysis ToolPak* tools to calculate each of the following statistics:
1. Mean of each quantitative variable
2. Sample variance of each quantitative variable
3. Sample standard deviation of each quantitative variable
4. Create a table in Excel that summarizes the statistics for each variable.
5. Transfer your summary results to Word.
6. Interpret what the mean and standard deviation specifically tell you about the heart rates of males and females in the sample. Are the heart rates for males or females higher? Which data is more spread out and which is closest to the overall mean rate? Explain your responses.
In the topic “Measures of Center”, you were provided directions on how to upload the Data Analysis ToolPak to Excel. If you have not yet uploaded the add-in Data Analysis ToolPak, please view the appropriate video and follow the instructions. You will not be able to complete this assignment without that add-in.
How to Install the Data Analysis ToolPac in Microsoft Excel
(Quantitative Specialists, 2013) Estimated time to complete: 2 minutes
How to Add the Data Analysis ToolPak in Excel on Mac 2018
(Ben G. Kaiser, 2018) Estimated time to complete: 2 minutes
Installing Excel Toolpak (Data Analysis) on Mac (versions other than 2018)
(Joseph C., 2016) Estimated time to complete: 1 minute
For a review of how to use the Data Analysis ToolPak to create summary statistics
Review: Descriptive Statistics in Excel Mean, Median, Mode …
Directions: Review this video on how to use the Data Analysis ToolPak to create summary statistics.
(Joshua Emmanuel, 2017)
Estimated time to complete: 1 minute
Additional Instructions:
Your assignment should be typed into a Word or other word-processing document, formatted in APA style. The assignments must include
· Running head
· A title page with
· Assignment name
· Your name
· Professor’s name
· Course
Estimated time to complete: 3 hours
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