The Course Project has two deliverables due in Week 7. 1. Research Paper: The length of the Research Paper should be approximately five to seven pages, double-spaced in MS Word and include a minimum of six references in APA format. 2. PowerPoint Presentation: The length of the PowerPoint Presentation should be approximately 1015 slides with relevant speakers notes and include a minimum of three audio-visual components (e.g., audio narratives can be embedded in images, figures, tables, audio links with/or without video, etc.). Follow these guidelines to create your PowerPoint Presentation. o Include a cover slide with course number, course title, title of PowerPoint Presentation, your full name, and date. ? Title of Presentation: Course Project: PowerPoint Presentation o Insert headers or titles or subtitles on each slide. o Insert page and slide number. o Keep it simple but engaging. Use appropriate images and graphics to illustrate and complement your presentation. o Number of slides: 1015 slides o Complete a minimum of three of the 1015 PowerPoint slides with an audio or visual component to present, explain, and bring to life your presentation. Show enthusiasm and speak with proper volume and inflection to maintain audience interest and attention. Course Project Topic Describe and evaluate the ethical issues involved in Medicare-funded organ transplants. Introduce the issue. Define the problem. Search the literature. Analyze the problem. Offer possible solutions. Propose a single solution. Develop an implementation plan. Justify why and how if your solution will solve the identified problem.
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