HCS/499 Week 4 Summative Assessment: Financial Management Goal Setting

HCS/499: Health Care Strategy Capstone

Wk 4 Summative Assessment: Financial Management Goal Setting

Exam Content


As a health care manager participating in the reinvention task force, you need to formulate your strategy after completing your organization’s SWOT analysis. Setting strategic goals establishes how your organization will align plans with the performance expectations to gain competitive advantage in the health care industry. You will demonstrate skill in financial management when you evaluate financial and economic issues affecting a health care organization.


Assessment Deliverable

Incorporate analysis based on your review of the data provided in the Stevens District Hospital Strategic-Planning Scenario and your Wk 3 Summative Assessment: SWOT Analysis Retreat Preparation. You will be using your mission and vision established in week 2.


Complete the Goals and Issues Worksheet.


Submit your assessment.


Assessment Support

o Review the rubric for guidance on deliverable expectations. 


HCS/499 Week 4 Summative Assessment: Financial Management Goal Setting

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