Having issues with loading my file.

This is the code I created with help from my tutor who is now unavailable. ___________________________________________________________________ /* Import the dataset */ proc import datafile=’winequality-red.csv’ out=wine_data dbms=csv replace; run; /* Preprocess the data */ proc standard data=wine_data mean=0 std=1 out=wine_normalized; var _numeric_; run; /* Split the data */ proc surveyselect data=wine_normalized out=train_sample method=srs rate=0.8 outall; run; data train_data; set train_sample; if Selected=1; run; data test_data; set train_sample; if Selected=0; run; /* Perform k-NN analysis */ proc discrim data=train_data test=test_data method=npar k=1; class Quality; var _numeric_; ods select ClassificationPlot; run; ______________________________________________________________________ This is the output file This is the file location and details. I am getting the below error. I renamed the file and still its giving me this. I removed the –

Having issues with loading my file.

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