Genetics Question

Name: Quiz 4 BIOL 222 Prof Monzo 1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of X-linked recessive traits in humans? A. Approximately one-half of the male children of a female carrier are affected. B. They cannot be passed from biological father to male child. C. Phenotypically normal female children of affected males are always carriers. D. Affected females always have an affected biological mother. 2. If the trait followed in the pedigree is caused by a rare X-linked recessive allele, which of the following could be III-1’s genotype? A. unaffected B. AA C. Aa D. XAY E. XaY 3. Below is a pedigree of a human genetic disease in which solid color indicates affected individuals. Assume that the disease is caused by a RARE allele of the A gene. What is the most likely mode of inheritance? A. autosomal recessive B. x-linked recessive C. autosomal dominant D. x-linked dominant 4. What are the possible genotypes of III-4 and III-5 above? III-4: III-5: 5. An individual has the genotype Ab/aB. Gene loci (A) and (B) are incompletely linked on the same chromosome. Consider the gametes this individual can make. A. What are the parental and recombinant gametes? Parental = Recombinant = B. A test cross was performed with the heterozygous individual with the following four progeny classes: 167 Ab, 175 aB, 24 AB, 19 ab. What is the distance between the two loci? Round to the nearest tenth and include proper units for Drosophila. Extra Credit 6. Give one piece of evidence that the pedigree in question 2 is not for a Y-linked trait. 7. A three-point test cross was performed to determine the order of and genetic distances between three loci (g, f, and b). If the parental phenotypic classes in the progeny are g+ f+ b and g f b+ and the double cross over phenotypic classes in the progeny are g+ f+ b+ and g f b, what is the order of genes on the chromosome?

Genetics Question

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