Dis one.1 file


Locate a current news article discussing a company violating provisions for health insurance instituted by Saudi Arabia’s Council of Cooperative Health Insurance. What were the violations? How were the companies sanctioned? Do you think these regulations are important enough to warrant these penalties?

dis 2 one file

Assume you are an attorney in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia representing a variety of private healthcare providers. One of your clients is a private physician that found out one of his Diabetic patients is not following the treatment plan that was provided by the physician. In fact, the patient is not taking their insulin and is on a diet of extremely sugary foods. The physician wants to end care to the patient for fear that the patient is going to harm themselves and later sue the physician. Detail the advice you would provide your client in how to deal with this situation.

Dis 3. one file


Please read the following study:

Rehana Khalil, Ali E. Mansour, Walaa A. Fadda, Khaled Almisnid, Mohammed Aldamegh, Abdullah Al-Nafeesah, Azzam Alkhalifah, & Osama Al-Wutayd. (2020). The sudden transition to synchronized online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study exploring medical students’ perspectives. BMC Medical Education, 20(1), 1–10.

Consider the challenges discussed in this qualitative study, propose any changes you would make in the study design or additional comments regarding your experiences during the pandemic while attending online courses and how it aligns with the study findings.


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