For this paper you will begin a very entry level practice in writing a literature review.

For this paper you will begin a very entry level practice in writing a literature review. A literature review synthesizes information from multiple peer-reviewed academic studies on a macro-level topic. From this personal inquiry, choose one topic to read more about. Begin your research by finding and reading at least two current articles on the topic. For this paper, students MAY use popular media articles and do not need to use scholarly journals. We will cover scholarly resources in Week 3 of the term.


After reviewing the readings, This will be the first draft of this paper, feedback will be given, and you will have opportunities to edit, refine, and add as the term goes on.


Paper Outline


After reading, begin writing using the following outline.


Introduction – What is your topic and why is it important?

Define your Topic – Give a paragraph description of the topic, what it means, and how it impacts families today

Article Summaries – Provide at least one paragraph summary of each article including how it ties to families today.

Conclusion – Summarize and Apply why the topic is important to your future career

*Your completed paper should be 2-3 pages in length.

For this paper you will begin a very entry level practice in writing a literature review.

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