For this draft please submit at least 200 words of your reflection along with your 300 words of context and justification for your artifacts from Writer’s Log 6.

1 2 Artefact 1: persuasive research essay Context: For Project 3 in ENC1101, students are faced with the task of crafting a persuasive research paper on a controversial issue. It aimed at building a logical argument based on reliable sources external to the project and powerful rhetorical tactics. This project drew on skills of sorts, such as academic research, source integration, clearly formulated thesis statements, and perfectly organized evidence. Justification: I chose to submit the Project 3 persuasive paper draft as one of my artefacts since it shows my advancement in argumentative academic writing and creating. In this case, I define my point on the problem in the opening phrase by laying down an explicit assertion. Next, I meticulously organize and synthesize the evidence from different sources to uphold my thesis. While conducting this draft, I am focused on incorporating ideas such as appealing to the readers’ emotions, countering arguments, and writing with precision and clarity in order to convince my readers of scholars and academics. Yet not the ultimate version of the draft, it can be seen that more effort was made to use persuasive writing techniques that are pertinent for the audience, that is, the stakeholders who are actively involved in the topic. Artifact 2: Personal Narrative Context: At the start of the ENC1101 course, the students were assigned to write their narratives based on a personal incident or event that had a significant impact on their lives. The purpose was to get good at storytelling tricks like imagery and description and to remember that it is essential to consider the desires of the audience when you are deciding what to include or exclude. Justification: I picked my revised narrative draft to show my strong narrative writing, which is the sample I have worked on in the course. While creating this work of art, I was 3 consciously aware of one specific fact – I was writing about an event that is so outstanding and interesting and that every reader will love it. I tried to structure the course of the event and to put into it proper details so as to make them feel as if they were there. Correcting my draft not only helped me learn to mould my writing to a specific audience and purpose, but I also learned how to improve my writing skills to better resonate with the audience I was writing for. The whole storyline shows my skill to write a tight and clear story that I can build using the writing techniques taught in this class.

For this draft please submit at least 200 words of your reflection along with your 300 words of context and justification for your artifacts from Writer’s Log 6.

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