First Song: Phase III

Continuing with your song from First Song: Phase II, complete this unit’s Contemporary Songwriting readings. This involves reading each chapter’s EXPOSITION section and then following its TUTORIAL instructions. The readings are listed here:

Contemporary Songwriting, Part I Chapter 5 (for GarageBand users)

Contemporary Songwriting, Part II Chapter 18 (for Live users)


GarageBand users should adhere to these requirements:

  • Verse and chorus melodies should have two- or four-measure phrases only.

There should be some melodic structure (i.e., repetition of phrases) in the verse and some in the chorus.

There should be different melodies for the verse and chorus.

All verse and chorus melodies should be quantized to 1/8 or 1/16.

Verse and chorus melody notes should not overlap.

  • All melody notes should have been on white keys when the melodies were composed.
  • Verse and chorus melodies should have been created with the Octave of the Musical Typing window set to C3.
  • Live users should adhere to these requirements:
  • Verse and chorus melodies should have two- or four-measure phrases only.

There should be some melodic structure (i.e., repetition of phrases) in the verse and some in the chorus.

There should be different melodies for the verse and chorus.

  • All melody notes should be quantized to 1/8 or 1/16.
  • Melody notes should not overlap.
  • All melody notes should be from the white keys of the computer MIDI keyboard.

First Song: Phase III

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