First of all – Take this quick Sleep testLinks to an external site.

First of all – Take this quick Sleep testLinks to an external site.


Please describe your typical night’s sleep.


What kind of schedule are you on?


What type of dreams do you remember the most?


After Watching the TED talks on sleep – how do your rate on sleep?




I’m not so sure if I do have a proper sleep schedule I think it just depends on that day whether I’m extremely tired or not. I usually tend to sleep at 11 pm or 12 am. Before going to sleep, I often spend time on my phone and I do make sure I have the night mode on. I would say I sleep around 4-5 hours before waking up to my alarm. The type of dreams I remember the most would be the odd ones. Sometimes my dreams might consist of multiple dreams throughout the night. These dreams might feel like separate events, but they’re usually connected by one another (it’s really weird). After watching the TED talks on sleep I’d rate my sleep a 6/10. I think I can improve my sleeping habits by establishing a more consistent sleep schedule and limiting my screen time before going to bed which might help me get more sleep time.




During the school semester I usually get a decent amount of sleep (but never enough). I try to be in bed by 10 pm, asleep by at least 11-11:30pm, and up at 6:30pm. This was my past schedule for the Fall 2023 semester for Monday-Thursday. Even though I’m not getting a full 8 hours of rest, I do find myself functioning better the less I sleep. For example, If I sleep for 8 hours or more, I will find myself definitely well rested, but I do feel tired throughout the entire day. If I sleep for 4-6 hours, I do wake up tired, but I find myself able to focus better on completing a task rather than getting distracted by looking at my phone.


I usually dream about stuff I’m excited about, such as my hobbies or other activities I’m interested in, which will be entirely random. Sometimes I don’t dream at all, but will wake up what feels like moments later. I’m haven’t been able to figure out why that is, but it is what it is. If I do dream, I don’t usually remember what I dreamt about. Even though during sleep it’s clear as day, it will be very foggy if I try to think about what I dreamt about.


After watching the Ted Talks, I would rate my sleep as subpar. There’s definitely room for improvement, such as stop looking at my phone while I’m in bed. I should put my phone down an hour before I go to bed that way I could fall asleep fater.


First of all – Take this quick Sleep testLinks to an external site.

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