Exam Content

Exam Content

As a risk manager, you have been assigned to an organizational committee that has been asked to evaluate the organization and make recommendations to the compliance officer on ways to strengthen legal and ethical compliance. Using a memo format, you explain the effect of organizational ethics, culture, and values on compliance to evaluate business ethics. Preparing for the Assessment
In this assessment, you will prepare a memo. A memo template has been provided for you to use.
You will research organizations, not agencies, for this assessment. Remember that an organization is a company or business, such as a hospital, clinic, or insurance company. Whereas an agency is a part of the government at the federal, state, or local levels, such as the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), or a state health department.
Choose 1 of the following options to complete this assignment:

Verizon Healthcare IT Solutions

United Healthcare

Tuskegee University Hospital
Stryker Corporation

Mayo Clinic/Health care

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)

GE Healthcare

Aetna Insurance

Research your selected organization’s compliance information.
Access and review the Business Ethics Memo Template to ensure you can obtain all information for your selected organization. Assessment Deliverable
Complete the Business Ethics Memo Template and its corresponding prompts using the provided instructions.
Please Note:You must use the template provided and include appropriate headings for each required element. Failure to do so will result in a 5% penalty for failure to follow instructions.Please remove all instructions prior to submission. If you include instructions, a 5% penalty will be assessed for failure to follow instructions. However, please use the template for your assignment.Please submit as an attachment using a Word document. Do not submit .pdf files or any other format that the instructor may not be able to open or insert comments on. If you do so, a 5% penalty will be assessed for failure to follow instructions.Business Ethics Memo Template Use this template to write a 700- to 1,050-word memo to your selected organization’s corporate compliance officer. Begin your answer to each prompt on a new line. Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment. Reputable references include trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, a textbook, or other sources of similar quality. Format your references section and citations used in your memo according to APA guidelines. Memo to: Locate the corporate compliance officer’s name from your selected organization’s website and provide it. Memo from: Insert your name. Re: Insert the organization’s name. Date: Insert the date of the assignment submission. Overview: Write an overview about what the memo is about.

Name and description of the organization

Description of the organizational culture

Mission, code of ethics, and core values of the organization
Leadership strategies to promote legal and ethical compliance
Legal and/or ethical issue
Recommendations to strengthen legal and ethical compliance
Provide the organization’s name and describe the organization and its role in health care. After examining your organization, explain the corporate culture and what makes it easier or harder for the organization to be ethical. After evaluating your organization, explain the corporate mission, code of ethics, and core values. Look to the weekly readings and research to determine leadership strategies to promote legal and ethical compliance. An example could be directing employees to an employee handbook. Select and explain one legal and/or ethical issue the organization has faced, such as lawsuits, sanctions, bad press, and corporate integrity agreements. Detail the issue, why it was unethical, how it was resolved, and whether the organization took responsibility for it. Recommend at least 2 new initiatives, such as education, that the organization could implement to strengthen legal and ethical compliance. Detail how your recommendation will make the organization a more ethical company. This could come from your research of the organization’s current or past issues or outside research you may have found about effective compliance initiatives. References

Exam Content

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