Ethical Reflection

The objective of the ethical reflection essay is to surface your personal values, which you would bring to bear in judging ethical dilemmas in a business setting, and apply them to a company as well. In preparation for the essay, create a personal timeline, noting significant events and people in your life. Reflect on your life experience and the values you developed over your personal timeline.

Part 1:

Write a brief (two or three single-spaced pages) essay on your personal values, which you would invoke to judge ethically ambiguous situations

Submission Instructions:

This portion of the essay should be no less than 1500 words in length. Make sure your name is in the header of the document and include page numbers. Follow APA formatting in your references and the general APA conventions on the document (sans-serif 12pt font like Arial, Helvetica, or Century Gothic, 1? margins, etc.).

Part 2:

Identify your favorite retailer or a favorite product. Review its corporate mission and ethical guidelines then do some brief research on the organization in terms. This section should be about 1500 words.

This assignment is in an open format meaning that you can choose different means to conduct your analysis and present this portion of your ethical reflection.

But answer the basic question: Does your favorite retailer meet your expectations of privacy and ethics? Support your answer with your research findings.

Ethical Reflection

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