ESOC 212 Final Project


ESOC 212 Final Project

For the final you will conduct more in-depth research into a topic related to the questions about social media we have considered this semester. At the bottom of this document is a list of topic areas; you must choose a topic that fits within at at least one of these areas. This assignment is worth 100 points.

What I Expect From Your Final

  • Your project should have a focused argument and a clear thesis.
  • Your project must be related to social media.
  • Your project should illuminate a specific facet of the topic rather than simply providing an overview. For example: Instead of “How social media affects mental health,” your topic would be more like “How weight loss advertisements on TikTok influence body image in preteen girls.” The second topic is still related to the larger issue of mental health but gives a much more focused and interesting picture of a specific aspect of issue.
  • Your project should incorporate credible, objective, recent information about the topic from at least six sourcesAt least two of your sources should be from peer-reviewed publications. For help finding quality peer-reviewed sources, check out the library’s , or ask a librarian for help. Opinion articles may be used but only if you have six other non-opinion sources.
  • Your project should be focused and well organized.
  • Length is approximately five double-spaced pages for a paper, and the equivalent amount of content for a PowerPoint.Topic List
    Mental Health: That social media is damaging to mental health is a widely repeated claim. But how specifically does it effect mental health, and how serious of a problem is it? What other factors such as age, income, gender, and so on come into play?
    Influencer Economy:Social media has given rise to a new category of professional: The influencer. Despite the glamorous perception we have of influencers, what factors influence their success, and how vulnerable are they to changes in the social media environment? Is the influencer economy ethical, or is it based on exploitation?
    Data Privacy:You know that websites, apps, and mobile devices collect and use your personal data. But how much do they collect, what are they really doing with it, and should you be concerned about it? What are the broader social implications of giving tech companies so much access to our data?
    Free Speech:Many from across the political spectrum have criticized social media platforms for suppressing free speech and censoring content. As private companies, social media companies aren’t subject to the First Amendment, but instead set their own parameters for what speech is acceptable on their platforms. How are these decisions arrived at, and how are these policies enforced? What are some of the challenges and consequences of social media companies policing their own users’ speech?
    Misinformation:Misinformation of all kinds proliferates on social media, for all kinds of reasons. This has been blamed for the erosion of public trust in our basic institutions, like the government and medicine, and for fueling political divisions and extremism. Why is social media a hot bed of problematic information? How damaging is it? Who should be held accountable for the problems it causes?
    Algorithmic Bias: The algorithms that feed us content online aren’t neutral. They reflect the societal biases that exist offline. This can cause certain content to be suppressed and artificially boost other messages. How widespread is algorithmic bias, what are the repercussions, and what can be done to address it?
    Cancel Culture: It has become commonplace to blame cancel culture for a variety of perceived injustices. But cancel culture means different things to different people. To what extent is cancel culture real? Is it as harmful as people claim? Where does one draw the line between “canceling” and drawing attention to legitimate abuses of power?
    Accessibility:Are social media and other technology designed with everyone in mind? In what ways are the technologies that we rely on for work school, and socializing designed to include or exclude certain users? In what ways are digital technologies providing new opportunities for marginalized users?

ESOC 212 Final Project

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