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ENGH 372 Professor Kevin M. Flanagan Shot-by-Shot Analysis (20% of grade, out of 20 points total) Choose a scene from any one of the films we have watched together this semester. Within that scene, choose a sequence of fifteen consecutive shots and create a typed shot-by-shot breakdown as demonstrated in the sample. The following information should be included with each shot: Column 1: shot number Column 2: editing transition used (cut, dissolve, fade to black, etc); if the shot is a point-of-view shot, state that here; if it is the reverse angle of the previous shot, note that as well Column 3: the following information: Shot distance from what is being filmed (long shot, medium shot, etc) Camera angle (high, low, straight-on) Significant aspects of mise-en-scene (you do not have to list everything; only what is essential to interpreting/analyzing the sequence) All camera movement/mobile framing if there is no movement in the shot you do not have to write that; only note what is there Column 4: All diegetic sound (indicate dialogue if any, but you do not have to transcribe it); if sound is offscreen, note that. Column 5: All non-diegetic sound After the shot-by-shot breakdown itself, write 1-3 sentences explaining why you selected the scene/sequence you did, and describe how you think it relates to the film as a whole. Is it representative of what we see elsewhere? Exceptional in some way? To save on space, you may use standard abbreviations (for example: POV, ELS, MCU), as long as you make it clear that you know what they stand for. For instance, the first time write Pointof-View, then use POV thereafter). Important guidelines: Use common sense when selecting a sequence: do not choose a sequence without any sound at all; do not choose a sequence consisting only of credits or shot/reverse shot conversation. choose fifteen consecutive shots. Do not skip around within a scene/sequence. Only analyze 15 shots in a row. Include the time code for your sequence so that I can find it. If I cant find it, I cant grade it. If viewing anywhere other than SWANK, let me know (for instance, The Conversation on PlutoTV). EXAMPLE BREAKDOWN (DO NOT USE THIS SCENE/SEQUENCE FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT): ENGH372 Sample Shot-by-Shot Breakdown of Medium Cool 1:39:13 to 1:41:19 Shot # Edit Image Diegetic Sound Non-Diegetic Sound 1 Cut to . . . Interior, DNC, Stockyards. Announcers voice: The Mayor of Chicago Song begins: Happy Days Are Here Again Long shot (LS) of man (from behind) in front of podium/crowd. Zoom out to extreme long shot (ELS) as Daley steps up to podium Crowd cheering, kazoos 2 Cut to . . . Low angle, medium shot (MS) of state caucus signs in crowd cheering Song begins: Happy Days Are Here Again 3 Cut to . . . Low angle, medium close-up (MCU) of crowd cheering Happy Days Are Here Again continues 4 Cut to . . . High angle, LS of crowd holding Daley for President signs cheering Happy Days Are Here Again continues 5 Cut to . . . MS of man clapping at far right of frame, American flag in center cheering Happy Days Are Here Again continues 6 Cut to . . . Low angle, MCU of people holding signs cheering Happy Days Are Here Again continues 7 Cut to . . . Low angle, MCU of John at right of frame cheering Happy Days Are Here Again continues 8 Cut to . . . High angle ELS of podium from Johns point of view (POV) Diegetic sound cuts out Happy Days Are Here Again continues 9 Cut to . . . High angle ELS of crowd Happy Days Are Here Again continues 10 Cut to . . . CU of John Happy Days Are Here Again continues 11 Cut to . . . ELS of podium from Johns POV, tilt up to scan crowd and ceiling lights, pan left to sound man above crowd Happy Days Are Here Again continues 12 Cut to . . . Exterior, Lincoln Park, Chicago Happy Days Are Here Again continues MLS of wounded anti-war demonstrators in gurneys, pan right to follow them in LS 13 Cut to . . . MLS of man carried by medic, photographer in center snaps photo, pan left Happy Days Are Here Again continues 14 Cut to . . . High angle MCU of different man on ground, bleeding from Happy Days Are Here 15 Cut to . . . head wound, zoom out to LS of people standing around him Again continues CU medics giving bandaged woman water Happy Days Are Here Again continues Adapted from an assignment by Jessica Scarlata.
ENGH 372 Follow the directions attached below based on the movie (US)
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