Early intervention programs provide services for children, ages birth to 3, with developmental delays and their families.

Early intervention programs provide services for children, ages birth to 3, with developmental delays and their families. To learn more about early intervention, please be sure you have watched the videos in this unit’s readings. Recall how the Early Intervention video describes what an early intervention program provides to families, paying close attention to the early intervention service coordinator position. This is a position that a human service professional could fill. The TEIS – Early Intervention Mom Interview | Wednesday Interviews video highlights the services that are provided by an early intervention social worker.


Please respond to the following:


After watching the first video, what are your thoughts about the early intervention service coordinator position? How does this individual benefit the family that they are serving?

After watching the second video, what did you learn about the support from the early intervention social worker that can be provided to a child’s family dealing with a developmental delay and/or diagnosis?

Identify three ways that the presence of child abuse or neglect can affect a child’s normal cognitive development. How could early intervention programs help?

Early intervention programs provide services for children, ages birth to 3, with developmental delays and their families.

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