Discussion Forum Week 3Assigned Readings: Chapter 4: Organizational Capability: Structure, Culture, and RolesChapter 5: Leading and Managing Project TeamsChapter 6: Stakeholder Analysis an

Assigned Readings: Chapter 4: Organizational Capability: Structure, Culture, and RolesChapter 5: Leading and Managing Project TeamsChapter 6: Stakeholder Analysis and Communication Planning For Week 3 Discussion Forum, you will discuss your understanding of the readings from Kloppenborg, et al (2023) completed for Weeks 4, 5 and 6. You will then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread (after the Reference section). The questions should be taken from Chapters 4, 5 and 6 of the required course material (Kloppenborg, et al 2023) Finally, go to two (2) other students’ threads and post comments, answering at least one of their questions. Provide Continuing Discussion by responding to another student’s response. The Continuing Discussion to the response to a response not a third response to an Initial Post. You must do the following:1) Create a new thread and ensure your initial post is properly formatted.  2) Draft a first section (200-250 words) answering, with supporting and properly cited source material, the following questions (Do not quote any of the source material, you must explain in your own words but properly citing material found in the assigned sources):

  • Describe how a strong (project) matrix is different from a weak (functional) matrix.
  • List advantages and disadvantages of functional, projectized and matrix forms of organization.

3) Draft a second section (200-250 words) explaining, with supporting source material, the following questions (Do not quote any of the source material, you must explain in your own words but properly citing material found in the assigned sources):

  • During all five stages of team development, it is important that the project manager keep in mind the needs of which three groups?
  • Why might it be helpful to bring out the charter when people are arguing over a decision?

4) Draft a third section (200-250 words) answering, with supporting and properly cited source material, the following questions (Do not quote any of the source material, you must explain in your own words but properly citing material found in the assigned sources):

  • What is the difference between an internal and external stakeholder? What is the difference between a key and secondary stakeholder?
  • Name three criteria you should consider when prioritizing stakeholder? Why?

5) Provide three (3) questions that you would like to ask other classmates in relation to the weekly reading material. These need to be specific questions based on weekly reading material identified above. Do not just ask general questions; be specific.

    Discussion Forum Week 3Assigned Readings: Chapter 4: Organizational Capability: Structure, Culture, and RolesChapter 5: Leading and Managing Project TeamsChapter 6: Stakeholder Analysis an

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