In an essay of at least 6,000, words discuss the meaning of Disneyland as a utopia. In this paper you must define the word “utopia” (and “dystopia”) in your second paragraph, and in the following body paragraphs show how Disneyland interacts with this idea, discussing its consequence.
Intro paragraph
-What personal and historical factors led to Walt’s idea of Disneyland?
-Your thesis should appear at the end of this paragraph and should make an arguable claim about the utopian nature of Disneyland.
Secondary paragraph
-This second paragraph is a “theory paragraph,” in which you clearly explain the nature of “utopia.”
-The paragraph must then be developed according to a clearly organized set of principles (defining elements of “utopia”) and concrete, specific examples.
-This paragraph will essentially summarize Lyman Tower Sargent’s work. Sargent, Lyman Tower. Utopianism: A Very Short Introduction. This paragraph must be entirely dedicated to the definition of this word and may not make any reference to Walt Disney, The Disney Corporation, Disneyland or any of its other products. The last sentence at the end of this paragraph, however, must include such a reference to Disneyland in transition to the next body paragraph.
Following Body Paragraphs
-These next paragraphs must begin with topic sentences that 1) apply and 2) further develop part of the definition you explained in your theory paragraph. This should be followed by evidence, comprised of 1) scholarly commentary (quote scholars and explain their ideas) and 2) more importantly description of the built space itself. More emphasis should be placed on description than summary of scholarship. Both should be present, however. These paragraphs should pile on details so much that you think it’s absurd–name rides and attractions, name buildings and characters, describe the spatial layout and the ride narratives. And explain how these details support your claim about Disneyland being a utopia (or dystopia). Conclude your paragraphs with interpretation, saying how the Disneyland fulfills utopia or dystopia and what this means. Then transition to your next point made in your next paragraph. Do this for about three paragraphs.
Discuss the meaning of Disneyland as a utopia
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