Digital inclusion

Digital inclusion should be a major aspect of the social determinants of health. It plays a major role in influencing other determinants, such as healthcare access and education. Digital access is crucial in enabling equitable use of access to health communication tools and data. In the contemporary world, patients utilize electronic health record portals due to the adoption of telehealth in hospitals. Therefore, digital skill training is crucial due to the significant gaps in digital literacy among the elderly, poor, and rural patient populations. For example, individuals living in rural areas lack reliable broadband access, which impedes access to healthcare resources. Digital inclusion should be added as a social determinant of health since it is a critical tool to bridge some disparities in health. Broadband access enhances the efficiency of care and boosts the outcomes of healthcare for patients. For example, a Federal Broadband Opportunities Program increased internet access for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic through the use of telehealth (Sieck et al. 2021).

Electronic health records influence social determinants of health by providing comprehensive clinical information regarding patients. It also contains demographic data regarding the patient, such as their work and age. These social determinants of health are beneficial for predicting risks and interventions that will promote patient health outcomes. Health applications such as mobile health are utilized to bridge the gaps in patients’ access to healthcare. It serves as a self-management tool that allows patients to monitor their health remotely and seek consultation. However, it can be impacted by socioeconomic determinants such as education levels, income, and cultural barriers. Also, patient portals and telemedicine impact social determinants of health since they facilitate communication between caregivers and their patients (Gillie et al., 2022). These tools minimize barriers such as geographical distance and time constraints for patients to schedule appointments and consult with health practitioners.


Gillie, M., Ali, D., Vadlamuri, D., & Carstarphen, K. J. (2022). Telehealth literacy as a social determinant of health: a novel screening tool to support vulnerable patient equity. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease reports6(1), 67-72.

Sieck, C. J., Sheon, A., Ancker, J. S., Castek, J., Callahan, B., & Siefer, A. (2021). Digital inclusion as a social determinant of health. NPJ digital medicine4(1), 52.

Digital inclusion

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