Lecture video:
TEDex video:
. This module’s lecture video, and the following TedTalk video by Maria Alejandro entitled “Growing Old Is A Blessing” cover a great deal of information about late adulthood. Please watch both of those videos and reply to the following prompts.
How does the information covered by Maria Alejandro work with the material presented in the lecture? What evidence supports what Maria says and how can you expand on her assertions based on the material covered?
What have you witnessed around you with the people you know of late adulthood as it relates to these issues? What challenges have you seen and what are some creative ways you’ve seen similar situations play out more positively?
If you were to design a holistic plan to address these concerns, similar to the way Maria has in NYC, what would you prioritize within your community of interest (i.e. where you live, your culture, etc)? Give some predictions of how this strategy would play out based on the evidence presented by Maria and in the lecture.
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