Designing and Implementing a Reward System at Disk Drives, Inc

Does DDI need a new performance system to account for the structural and management process changes they are contemplating? Why or why not?

2. Assuming a modification to the performance management system is necessary, describe the features of a system you would recommend. What changes need to be made in the goal setting, feedback/appraisal, and reward systems at DDI? Be specific about the features of the system(s) you believe need to be changed and the characteristics of the system itself. That is, do not describe the process for designing the system (see Question 3) but focus on the characteristics of the reward system that are required to fit or align with the strategy, structure, and management processes.

3. Describe the change management process you would use to design and implement the new system. What roles and responsibilities should the executive team take on? How fast should the system be implemented?v

Designing and Implementing a Reward System at Disk Drives, Inc

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