demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Explain the role of psychology in the well-being of self and society

Apply elements of emotional intelligence when adapting to various situations

  • Scenario
  • As a soon-to-be graduate who is preparing to enter the workforce, you will have so many opportunities ahead of you. To better prepare for a successful future, you have been assigned a career services advisor. Your advisor will work with you to identify an ideal job you are qualified to perform and evaluate what jobs may be better suited for you that reflect your personal perspective, ethics, and social awareness.

To prepare you for your job search, your career services advisor requires that you answer a list of specific questions related to the field of psychology and to emotional intelligence skills that might be asked in an interview.

Supporting Materials

Review this document for an overview and example of how different jobs relate to the subdisciplines of psychology.

Review this document for strategies to increase specific EI skills.


In the milestone for Project Three, you identified a job description with tasks that rely heavily on EI skills. For this project, you will respond to interview preparation questions; you should answer them as if you are applying for the position you previously identified.

Describe how you would exhibit characteristics of social awareness in this professional position. Your response should be a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences. Consider the following in your response: 

In what ways might this position require you to remain aware of the impact of your thoughts, emotions, and actions on the people around you?

In what ways might this position require you to regulate your emotions?

Explain how you would exhibit emotional intelligence skills in this position, using at least two examples from the required job tasks. Your response should be a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences. Consider the following in your response: 

How do the EI skills connect to each job task?

In what ways might this position require you to remain aware of the thoughts and feelings of others?

In what ways might this position require you to arrive at peaceful solutions to confrontations and disputes?

Explain which psychological theory relates most to your selected job role. Your response should be a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences. Consider the following in your response: 

In what ways might applying this psychological theory within your job role improve your relationships at work?

Explain how the selected job role requires you to apply strategies to increase emotional intelligence that can lead to successfully performing the selected job role. Your response should be a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences. Consider the following in your response: 

How will this job role help you increase your current EI skill level?

  1. What specific strategies will you apply?

Which EI skills do you feel you need to improve most in order to succeed within this job role?

How will society benefit from the increase in your EI skills?

  • What to Submit
  • To complete this project, you must submit the following:
  1. Interview Preparation Responses
    You will use your Soomo webtext writing template to complete the project and download your completed interview preparation responses. A minimum of two sources should be cited according to APA style.

demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

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