Criminal Justice Question


II. Introduction: Introduce your paper; identify the subject of your study and specify the crime or social harm that you have chosen to focus on. By what definition is it a crime or social harm of the powerful?

III. Background: Discuss the events or processes that led to the crime or harm becoming known and
recognized as an offense.
IV. Actors: Identify the institutional and individual actors responsible for the crime or harm,
institutions or actors that may have facilitated the crime, and relationships among them.
V. Victims: Describe the real or potential victims of the crime, both in an immediate sense and in
the long term.
VI. Theories: Discuss which theories of crimes of the powerful or criminological theories more
generally help to explain and understand the crime and its consequences.
VII. Conclusion: Summarize the outcome of the story. How do you think justice has been served or
obstructed, or should be pursued, in response to the crime?
VIII. References: Follow APA format to list all sources used, including all web sources in proper form
(i.e., not just URLs).


The crime and/or social harm chose to discuss in my paper is the Volkswagen emissions scandal. Below you can find a little background:

The Volkswagen emission scandal, emerging in 2015, epitomized corporate crime and social harm, as Volkswagen intentionally manipulated emissions data to evade regulatory standards, leading to environmental degradation and public health risks. This scandal violated numerous laws and eroded consumer trust, while also contributing to global environmental issues. Perpetrated by top executives driven by financial gain and competitive advantage, Volkswagen faced significant legal and reputational consequences, including hefty fines and criminal charges. While the company initiated internal reforms and invested in electric vehicle technology to restore its reputation, the scandal underscored the importance of robust regulatory oversight and ethical business practices in preventing corporate misconduct and safeguarding societal well-being.

Criminal Justice Question

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