Create Your Own Business Project

Create Your Own Business Project Assignment 1: Business Proposal Write a business proposal in unbound report format. It must be a minimum of one page. It must contain all of the information listed below. Every item needs a detailed explanation. 1. Name of your business 2. Hours you will be open 3. What do you do? (Fix, sell, build, feed, serve, help?) 4. Location of the business. Is it a small, rural community or a large, urban community? Where in the town will you be located? Actually choose a location. Explain why that location will be good for your business. 5. Identify the competition in your business area and location. 6. How many employees will you need? You must have at least 3. What specific positions will these employees hold? 7. Why do you think your business will succeed? 8. Graphics to help convey your ideas—could be photos, organization chart, map, etc. Assignment 2: Logo Think of logos that companies use, such as the Nike swoosh sign, the Ford logo, or the Apple computer logo. Why did these companies choose these kinds of logos? How do they represent their businesses most effectively? Design a logo for your business. You may use Publisher, PhotoShop or draw something that can be scanned. This symbol must represent your business effectively and give your customers a visual representation of your business. Design it carefully because it will appear on most of your company’s literature. The logo should be colorful and creative, but not necessarily complex. Keep it simple, crisp and catchy. Presentation is everything Assignment 3: Slogan Think about popular business slogans used by companies today. For example, Nike uses the slogan “Just do it.” Volkswagen’s slogan is “Drivers wanted.” A slogan is a catchy phrase used by a company to help consumers or customers remember their business. The shorter the slogan is, the better, because it will be easier to remember. Write a short slogan that will be used to represent and advertise your business. It should not be more than six or seven words. Assignment 4: Job Descriptions – 3 Write your own detailed description of each position you will need filled in your business. These must be on separate pages. Refer to your business plan for the number of employees that you decided on. Use the Internet to look up samples of job descriptions for your business type. The job description must contain all of the following: Position Title Who this employee reports to Compensation (Pay) Summary of Job List of specific qualifications/skills Education needed Assignment 5: Business Cards Use the Publisher business card wizard to create business cards for each of you. (24 pts.) You must include Your position title Your full name Business Address Business Phone Number Fax Number (optional) E-mail address (optional) Business’s web site address (make one up) Logo of your business Assignment 6: Business budget! Every business needs some start up money to help with initial costs! Researching other companies LIKE YOURS create a detailed “expense chart” of the total that you would possibly need to start up your business for the first year. Assignment 7: Final Presentation Create a PowerPoint or google slides presentation to show to prospective investors. Refer back to your business plan. Include pictures of the owners if possible. Imagine this is the slideshow that you will show to be people who are financially backing your project.

Create Your Own Business Project

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