SYST 24444 Assignment #3 (10%) Create a new Angular app called A3yourLoginName (ex. A2doejane) NOTE: Marks off if not named as specified. Make sure to choose CSS as styles and enable server-side routing. Use Angular 17 to create your application, if you are using an older version of angular it will not open and you may lose marks. If you have not upgraded your angular yet, please do upgrade before you do this assignment. o This will be a mobile assignment formatted for landscape & portrait view both. ? Note: this is an assignment that is based on your assignment #2, that you had previously submitted. ? You need to modify that assignment to use JSON server on local host and fetch the data to display o The homepage should display an image and minimal details of the object that is fetched using a call to JSON serve. The rest of the project remains the same wherever the data is being displayed it should be displayed using a call to the server even on the details page. When it comes to submitting make sure your application src is submitted in .zip format A video of your working application is compulsory, make sure that your video is in .mp4 format. If you fail to submit you will have 5 marks deducted. It is not necessary that you upload your work. However, if you do, I will give you 2 bonus marks. Grading View: I will be using the Chrome Toggle Device Bar for Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra in Landscape mode only when grading your site. REMEMBER, this must be in a mobile layout; too much scrolling or whitespace will reduce your mark. Submission Details for SLATE Drop Box: ZIP your SRC folder ONLY include the .mp4 file in your submission; name of zip should be NOTE: If you send the entire application folder ZIP instead of only the SRC folder, I will not use it and will automatically reduce your assignment by 5 marks Optional: Deploy your site to cPanel and include the URL DIRECTLY to your site in the Comment section of the Drop Box See Angular Deployment Document in the Angular References Module Some things to remember: o DO NOT wait until the last minute to complete this assignment; debugging and formatting can take time as can deployment. o DO NOT change the site on cPanel once you have submitted and the Drop Box closes. I will run a JS Script to see when the last time the cPanel link was updated. If past the Due Date, late marks will apply even if submitted on time in the SLATE Drop Box. o You can submit as many times as you need to until the Drop Box closes. I will grade the last one o You have 3 days after the Due Date to submit with 10% off per day. After 3 days, the assignment will no longer be accepted. o NOT Submitting the .mp4 file of your running Angular App and showing the code will results in 5 marks off automatically o Each assignment MUST be done individually. I will be checking the HTML and Script for copying especially for all personal data used in declarations and values. Grading rubric: 1 Class creations and variable setups 1 Creating Component with the correct command to avoid creating extra pages for example HTML page and correctly named components included 2 Having a search button in home component (that is working) 1 JSON server and db.json file, all files using the http request to show data 4 Details component including sharing setup 1 Information component including sharing setup 1 If Angular site is not using services. -5 If the running project is not record in .mp4 or some other format is submitted -5 If Angular site is not using routing -5 If the entire app is zipped and not just the SRC folder, 5 marks will be deducted automatically -5 If site is not mobile, 2 marks will be deducted automatically / Must fit in mobile space with minimal scrolling -2 YOUR personal info in declarations not included where specified AND/OR Personal data from any other student in data or declarations (i.e. If you use yourloginname text and not your ACTUAL login name where specified, marks will be deducted) -10 2
Create a new Angular app called A3yourLoginName
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