Corpus and Text Analysis Curtin University Corpus and Text Analysis: Research Project Presentation

SLAT7829 Corpus and Text Analysis: Research Project Presentation Task Description Weight: 30% Due date: Friday two weeks after the end of mid-semester break (4pm) Submission: via TurnItIn Overview The Research Project Presentation carries a weight of 30% in your final grade. This assessment entails the submission of a video presentation outlining your research proposal, centred around corpus analysis. The primary objective is to guide students in structuring and preparing their research projects while providing an opportunity for valuable feedback. Weighting and Criteria Refer to the detailed marking criteria provided in the attached rubrics via the ECP for insights into the assessment components. Your Research Project Presentation will be evaluated out of 30 points. Submission Format Submit a recorded video presentation lasting no more than 10 minutes. Purpose This task is designed to showcase your ability to articulate and present a novel and original research project in the language sciences, utilizing corpus data. Video Presentation Structure Introduction    Clearly state your research topic. Establish the relevance of your research. Provide a succinct outline of your presentation’s organization. Literature Review    Present a structured literature review. Ensure seamless transitions between themes, points, and sections. Demonstrate mastery of relevant theories and concepts, backed by a detailed understanding of previous findings. Research Question   Provide a clear and specific statement of the Research Question. Motivate the Research Question based on insights from the literature review. Data and Methodology   Describe the data and method intended for answering the research question. Offer detailed information about the research context, data sources, and data analysis. Conclusion and Evaluation    Present a critical evaluation of the proposed study. Discuss potential contributions to the relevant field. Acknowledge and address any identified limitations. References (APA7 format)  Compile your references in adherence to APA7 format. Important Guidelines     Ensure your video presentation remains within the 10-minute timeframe. Articulate your points clearly, maintaining a balance between conciseness and detail. Leverage visual aids if necessary to enhance the presentation’s clarity. Aim to engage your audience, fostering an understanding of the significance of your proposed research. This task serves as a vital step in the preparation of your research project, offering a platform for you to convey the essence of your work effectively. Utilize the provided rubrics as a reference to craft a compelling and informative Research Project Presentation. Please refer to the rubic (available via the ECP) for details. This task has been designed to be challenging, authentic and complex. Whilst students may use Al technologies, successful completion of assessment in this course will require students to critically engage in specific contexts and tasks for which artificial intelligence will provide only limited support and guidance. A failure to reference Al use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct. To pass this assessment, students will be required to demonstrate detailed comprehension of their written submission independent of Al tools. If sick/absent, apply for an extension (see 5.3 Late Submission).

Corpus and Text Analysis Curtin University Corpus and Text Analysis: Research Project Presentation

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