Consumer laws are needed to protect buyers from being exploited when purchasing goods and services and to regulate the transactions between consumers and sellers

Consumer laws are needed to protect buyers from being exploited when purchasing goods and services and to regulate the transactions between consumers and sellers. The federal agency that creates and enforces consumer protection law is the Federal Trade Commission. In 175 words and only 2 quotes


What purpose does the Federal Trade Commission serve and why must business owners be educated on Federal Trade Commission practices?

Consider 1 of the following sections of the Federal Trade Commission Act:

Deceptive Advertising

Labeling and Packaging Laws

Credit Protection

Regarding the section you chose, provide an example of when a deceptive practice has been used in business and the consequence(s) for the deceptive practice.

Consumer laws are needed to protect buyers from being exploited when purchasing goods and services and to regulate the transactions between consumers and sellers

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