Complete the following in your own words.

Complete the following in your own words. It will be run through a plagiarism checker. Thanks


Envision a future in which you have decided to strike out on your own and start your own industrial and organizational psychology consultantship. Imagine you have been asked by a well-respected colleague to join him and provide your expertise to clients you share. One of the first things you need to prepare is a strategic business consulting plan.


Reflect on your learning throughout this class and across your program. In 525 to-700 words, respond to the following:


What consulting models fit best with your professional style?

What industrial and organizational psychology theories and frameworks resonate with you?

What would be your vision and mission for providing organizational psychology consulting services to clients?

What might you offer that sets you apart from your peers?

Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities in the marketplace and threats to which you could clearly respond and stand out.

What type of companies and organizations could best benefit from your vision and mission? Describe your ideal client.

Cite a minimum of 2 scholarly references in your reflection.


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Complete the following in your own words.

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