Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video

For this assessment, you will create a 5-10 minute video reflection that addresses either an interprofessional collaboration you experienced or a collaboration case study scenario that you imagine you experienced.

Interprofessional collaboration is a critical aspect of a nurse’s work. Through interprofessional collaboration, practitioners and patients share information and consider each other’s perspectives to better understand and address the many factors that contribute to health and well-being (Sullivan et al., 2015). Essentially, by collaborating, health care practitioners and patients can have better health outcomes. Nurses, who are often at the frontlines of interacting with various groups and records, are full partners in this approach to health care.

Reflection is a key part of building interprofessional competence, as it allows you to look critically at experiences and actions through specific lenses. From the standpoint of interprofessional collaboration, reflection can help you consider potential reasons for and causes of people’s actions and behaviors (Saunders et al., 2016). It also can provide opportunities to examine the roles team members adopted in a given situation as well as how the team could have worked more effectively.

As you begin to prepare this assessment you are encouraged to complete the What is Reflective Practice? activity. The activity consists of five questions that will allow you the opportunity to practice self-reflection. The information gained from completing this formative will help with your success on the Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video assessment. Completing formatives is also a way to demonstrate course engagement

Note: The Example Kaltura Reflection demonstrates how to cite sources appropriately in an oral presentation/video. Your assessment will reflect on either a professional collaboration you experienced or a collaboration case study scenario that you imagine you experienced


Saunders, R., Singer, R., Dugmore, H., Seaman, K., & Lake, F. (2016). Nursing students’ reflections on an interprofessional placement in ambulatory care. Reflective Practice, 17(4), 393–402.

Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.

Identify how poor collaboration can result in inefficient management of human and financial resources supported by evidence from the literature.

Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes.

Reflect on an interdisciplinary collaboration experience noting ways in which it was successful and unsuccessful in achieving desired outcomes.

Identify best-practice interdisciplinary collaboration strategies to help a team to achieve its goals and work more effectively together.

Competency 4: Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals.
Identify best-practice leadership strategies from the literature, which would improve an interdisciplinary team’s ability to achieve its goals.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
Communicate via video with clear sound and light.
The full reference list is from relevant and evidence-based (published within 5 years) sources, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.

This assessment will help you to become a reflective practitioner. By considering your own successes and shortcomings in interprofessional collaboration, you will increase awareness of your problem-solving abilities. You will create a Kaltura video of your reflections, including a discussion of best practices for interprofessional collaboration and leadership strategies, supported by references to the literature.You may choose to reflect on a collaborative interprofessional project you worked on in your current or former place of practice, or you may choose to imagine that you worked on the collaborative interprofessional scenario presented in the Assessment 01 Supplement: Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video [PDF] resource.
As part of an initiative to build effective collaboration at a site where you work as a nurse, you have been asked to:
Reflect on an interprofessional collaborative project.

Examine what happened during the collaboration.
Identify positive aspects and areas for improvement.
Research best practice for interprofessional collaboration.

Use lessons learned from your research and experience to create a video reflection (5-10 minutes) that share suggestions for improving interprofessional collaboration that can be shared with leadership and colleagues
Using Kaltura, record a video (5–10 minutes) where you reflect on an interprofessional collaboration experience, proposing recommendations for how to improve interprofessional collaboration that can be shared with leadership and colleagues. Support these recommendations with references to the literature.The interprofessional project that you reflect on may be one that you collaborated on at your current or former place of practice, or you may choose to imagine you collaborated on the interprofessional project presented in the Assessment 01 Supplement: Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video [PDF] Download Assessment 01 Supplement: Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video [PDF]resource and reflect on that.Be sure that your assessment addresses the following criteria. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you will know what is needed for a distinguished score:
Reflect on an interdisciplinary collaboration experience, noting ways in which it was successful and unsuccessful in achieving desired outcomes.
Explain aspects of the collaboration that helped the team make progress toward relevant goals or outcomes.
Explain aspects of the collaboration that could have been improved.

Identify how poor collaboration can result in inefficient management of human and financial resources, citing supporting evidence from the literature.
Discuss the ways in which the interdisciplinary team did not collaborate effectively.
Discuss the negative implications for the human and financial resources of the interdisciplinary team and the organization as a whole.
Cite the literature for support.
Identify best-practice leadership strategies from the literature that would improve an interdisciplinary team’s ability to achieve its goals, citing at least one author from the literature.
Identify at least one leadership best practice or strategy that you believe would improve the team’s ability to achieve their goals.
Identify the strategy and its source or author and provide a brief rationale for your choice of strategy.
Cite the literature for support.

Identify best-practice interdisciplinary collaboration strategies to help a team achieve its goals and work together, citing the work of at least one author.

Identify at least one best practice or strategy for interdisciplinary collaboration to help the team achieve its goals and work more effectively together.

Identify the strategy, its source, and reasons why you think it will be effective.

Communicate in a professional manner, is easily audible, and uses proper grammar. Format reference list in current APA style.

Submit an APA-formatted reference list for any sources that you cited specifically in your video or used to inform your presentation.

The Example Kaltura Reflection will show you how to cite scholarly sources in the context of an oral presentation.

Refer to the Campus tutorial Using Kaltura [PDF] as needed to record and upload your reflection.
If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations.
If, for some reason, you are unable to record a video, please contact your faculty member as soon as possible to explore options for completing the assessment.
Additional requirements:

References: Cite at least 3 professional or scholarly sources of evidence to support the assertions you make in your video. Include additional properly cited references as necessary to support your statements.
APA Reference Page: Submit a correctly formatted APA reference page that shows all the sources you used to create and deliver your video.
You may wish to refer to the Campus APA Module for more information on applying APA style.
Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the final assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final Capstone course.
Competencies measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.
Identify ways poor collaboration can result in inefficient management of human and financial resources, supported by evidence from the literature.
Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes.
Reflect on an interdisciplinary collaboration experience, noting ways in which it was successful and unsuccessful in achieving desired outcomes.

Identify best-practice interdisciplinary collaboration strategies to help a team to achieve its goals and work together more effectively.
Competency 4: Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals.
Identify best-practice leadership strategies from the literature that would improve an interdisciplinary team’s ability to achieve its goals.
Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.

Communicate via video with clear sound and light.
The full reference list is from relevant and evidence-based (published within 5 years) sources, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.
Use the resources linked below to help complete this assessment.Reflective Practice: Jacobs, S. (2016). Reflective learning, reflective practice. Nursing, 46(5), 62–64.This article provides a review of what self-reflection entails, why it is important for nurses, and some tools to help you reflect.Wilkinson, T. J. (2017). Kolb, integration and the messiness of workplace learning. Perspectives on Medical Education, 6(3), 144–145.This article examines how reflection and the use of a cyclical improvement model can help connect theory and learning to real-world application.Vila Health: Collaboration for Change.This activity will provide you with the context for the second part of this assessment.Balance and Empowerment:Balance: Blake, N. (2017). The importance of a balanced life for nurses.AACN Advanced Critical Care, 28(1), 21–22. This article examines how work/life balance is critical to maximize nurses’ effectiveness.Empowerment: Udod, S. A., & Racine, L. (2017). Empirical and pragmatic adequacy of grounded theory: Advancing nurse empowerment theory for nurses’ practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(23-24), 5224–5231. This article presents a study that examined the relevance of a grounded-theory approach to empower nurses to address real-life problems.Change Theory: Batras, D., Duff, C., & Smith, B. J. (2016). Organizational change theory: Implications for health promotion practice. Health Promotion International, 31(1), 231–241. This article examines various theories of organizational change and how they can influence health promotion efforts. Hussain, S. T., Lei, S., Akram, T., Haider, M. J., Hussain, S. H., Ali, M. (2018). Kurt Lewin’s change model: A critical review of the role of leadership and employee involvement in organizational change. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 3(3), 123–127. This article examines the relevance and utility of Lewin’s change model as it relates to organizational change.Lewin’s Model of Change. This presents a brief overview of Lewin’s Model of Change, which is foundational to much of the subsequent research on change.Lowell, K. R. (2016). An application of complexity theory for guiding organizational change. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 19(3-4), 148–181. Lowell’s article outlines elements of complexity theory, its use in human systems, and implications for organizational management.Leadership and Theory: Lynch, B. M., McCance, T., McCormack, B., & Brown, D. (2017). The development of the Person-Centred Situational Leadership Framework: Revealing the being of person-centredness in nursing homes. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(1-2), 427–440. This article presents an application of the Person?Centred Situational Leadership Framework and its relevance to complex care environments.Financial and Human Resources: Financial: Johnson, J. E. (2017). Financial terms 101. American Nurse Today, 12(4), 16–18. This resource provides definitions and brief explanations about key financial terms that you will need to know. Human Resources: Carlisle, B., Perera, A., Stutzman, S. E., Brown-Cleere, S., Parwaiz, A., & Olson, D. M. (2020). Efficacy of using available data to examine nurse staffing ratios and quality of care metrics. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 52(2), 78–83. This article looks at measurable outcomes in relation to the nurse-to-patient ratio.Olley, R., Edwards, I., Avery, M., & Cooper, H. (2019). Systematic review of the evidence Related to mandated nurse staffing ratios in acute care hospitals. Australian Health Review, 43, 288–293. This article evaluates and summarizes current research on nurse staffing methods and relates those to outcomes. Capella esources: Capella Writing Center

Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video

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