Ch 13 Viruses


Directions: Type the question first followed by the answer in bold print. Skip a line between each question.

1. Differentiate a virus from a bacterium.

2. Describe the chemical and physical structure of both an envelope and a nonenveloped virus.

3. Define viral species.

4. Give an example of a family, genus, and common name for a virus.

5. Describe how bacteriophages are cultured. What is the plaque method?

6. Describe how animal viruses are cultured.

7. Why are continuous cell lines of more practical use than primary cell lines for culturing viruses?

8. What causes Monkey Pox and are there mutant strains?

8. List three techniques used to identify viruses.

9. What tests could you use to identify the influenza virus
in a patient?

10. Describe the lytic cycle of T-even bacteriophages. Describe the lytic cycle of T-even bacteriophage

11. Vibrio cholerae produces toxins and is capable of causing cholera only when it is lysogenic. What does this mean?

12. Compare and contrast the multiplication cycle of DNA- and RNA-containing animal viruses.

13. Describe the principal events of attachment, entry, uncoating, biosynthesis, maturation, and release of an enveloped DNA-containing virus.

14. Define oncogene and transformed cells. What is a provirus?

15. Discuss the relationship between DNA- and RNA-containing viruses and cancer.

16. How can an RNA virus cause cancer if it doesn’t have DNA to insert into a cell’s genome?

17. Provide an example of a latent viral infection.

18. Differentiate persistent viral infections from latent viral infections. Is shingles a persistent or latent infection?

19. Differentiate virus, viroid, and prion.

20 Describe the lytic cycle for a plant virus.

21. Discuss how a protein can be infectious. Contrast viroids and prions, and for each, name a disease it causes.

22. What is the mechanism that each of these drugs used to destroy or debilitate a virus?

a. Paxlovid

b. Evusheld

23. What a subvariants of viruses?

24. What causes the evolving of subvariants of viruese?

25. How does wastewater samples help to track and detect the circulation a Covid19?

26. What are some medicinal products that can be used to reduce the spread of Covid19?

27. How are vaccine effective in preventing the spread of Covid19.

28. Do you think that the number of Covid 19 will increase during the Fall 2022 and if so why?

Give support from a refereed journal or browser (like webMD or JAMA)?

Ch 13 Viruses

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