cdfs-4223 Home/school/comm engage


First, if you have written any shorter paper that interested you

It should relate to your major and use APA formatting. For this paper, you will need to
have 5 references total and 3 should be academic or scholarly. Academic references are peer-
reviewed journals, many books, .gov websites, and some charitable organizations like the Pew
In a research paper, we try not to just provide information on a topic but answer important
questions or offer solutions to problems.
We won’t be doing original research in this class. Instead, you will research a topic with relevant
reliable references and support a particular research argument with that literature. For
example, say you want to look into childhood obesity. It’s not enough to say overweight
children eat too much and don’t exercise enough. Why is this a problem now when it wasn’t
before? What’s changed? So, you do some more research and find out that families eat out
more than ever and schools have eliminated PE. You find out that places that have PE have
fewer obese kids. You write a paper with that information and propose that PE be in every
school. Do you see what I’m talking about?
One thing I suggest to students – Do you work or do an internship? If so, have you ever thought
when I’m in charge things are going to be different around here? Can you find literature
(journal articles, books, reliable websites) to support your proposed changes?

cdfs-4223 Home/school/comm engage

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