SOSC225 Career Plan Assignment Experience has taught us that those who experience the most success do so because of planning! Good solid targeted planning can make all the difference in achieving your goal of obtaining that job upon graduation. This assignment is meant to help you begin to put together all the necessary tools and provide a roadmap so you can land that perfect position. Please read and complete each section on the Career Plan below. Once you have completed all sections, upload your finished plan to Blackboard for grading and instructor feedback. As you begin to put this plan into action in the weeks and months to come, remember that Bryant & Stratton Colleges Career Services Department is available to assist you in exploring career options in your degree field and can offer guidance for your job search. You can reach them using the following email address: Create a Career and Job Search Plan Your Name: Your program of study: 1. What are your target job titles? Use the boxes below to write list out your top 3 desired job titles. Job Title Spoorts Manager Traffic Cop Police officer Industry Company size Location 2. What do I know about the types of jobs Im interested in? a. What type of work experience, education level, certificates, or other specialized training is required for these positions? _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ b. What specific knowledge, skills or abilities are required for these positions? _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ c. What knowledge, skills and abilities do you already have that will allow you to be successful in this profession? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ d. Using search the above titles you are interested in and list your average national salary for those roles below. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ e. Using the table below, create an action plan for gaining the work experience, education, and certifications you dont have. These actions should be specific, realistic and directly related to gaining those skills and experiences you are missing. * ReadySet HIRED!, 2008, Action to be taken Target Date Example: Research and contact 3 organizations about volunteer opportunities 4/1/2015 Date Completed 3. What do I need to execute an effective job search? Use the table below to identity which job search tools you have already prepared, and which you still need to work on. Make a plan to complete each item by setting a target completion date. For those items you may be missing or want additional feedback on, contact your advisor in Career Services for help! Job Search Tool Example: Resume Target Completion Date Completed Has it been reviewed by Career Services or an Instructor? Reviewed by Career Services 3/1/2015 Done X Resume Cover Letter References Electronic Portfolio Other: 4. What companies am I interested in? Use the boxes below to identify 3 target companies youd like to work at. Then, identify a contact person within that organization (someone that could influence your ability to be hired. Examples might include a Human Resources staff member, a recruiter or talent acquisition specialist, or manager of the department you would like to work in). To obtain this information you will need to review the companys website, search the internet, utilize social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.), and/or contact them by phone. For help with those phone calls reach out to your advisor in the Career Services department! * ReadySet HIRED!, 2008, Company Name & Address Position Contact Person (Decision Maker), Title Example: ABC Company 123 Example Street, Anytown, NY 555-555-5555 Security Officer John Smith, Human Resource Manager 5. Building a Professional Network. Studies show that up to 80% of jobs today are not advertised through job boards, newspapers or other methods. When surveyed 62% of hiring managers said they look to referrals to find their next candidate. So, how do you get these jobs? Networking! Ideally, someone in your network (or someone in their network) can help you get in contact with someone at a company you are interested in! Your network includes people from all parts of your life. You probably already have a large network, and dont even realize it! Use the table below to identify your existing network. From there, you can work to build that network. * ReadySet HIRED!, 2008, Name Job Title/Type of Work Company Family Friends Neighbors Co-workers Groups/Hobbies /Clubs Religious Groups Sports Teams Volunteerism Other * ReadySet HIRED!, 2008,
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