BIO2420 (Microbiology)

Guideline for writing your PowerPoint (PPt) 1. Measles (infectious disease topic) from the list provided in table and sign (full name and put your initial) 2. Start writing your slides with an introductory remark (background information: history of disease, etc.) 3. Biology of pathogen (causative agent) of infection 4. Pathology/pathogenesis of the disease (virulence factors and body systems affected) 5. Signs and symptoms of the disease 6. Mode (s) of disease transmission 7. Epidemiology of the disease (see if you can find US or world map/statistics that shows distribution of disease) 8. Laboratory diagnosis of the disease 9. Treatment, prevention, and control of disease. 10. Interesting facts about the disease (personal experience or any famous/celebrity who was/is sick or died of the disease). Insert relevant images into each slide. 11. Show a 3 – 4 min long YouTube video clip related to topic 12. Microbiology jokes: Jokes must be related to only microbiology. Other jokes are not allowed or accepted. Jokes can be told, and cartoons can be shown at the beginning of the presentation to get the audience’s attention or at the end of the presentation. 13. Provide a minimum of five citations (give full information). Additional instructions: 1. For texts in slides, use ARIEL, 18-20 font sizes. Avoid long sentences (use short sentences or phrases). 2. Use bullets to write down main points (sentences or phrases). 3. Give space between bullets 4. Put no more than 6 – 7 bullets per PPt slide 5. For topics and sub-topics, use ARIEL, 32-36 font sizes 6. For text (sentences/phrases) in slides, use 18 – 20 font sizes 7. For good contrast, use 2-3 different/distinct colors per slide, including background color 8. Slide background and text (sentences/phrases) must be in good contrast 9. Be consistent on all slides (#1- 8 above apply to all slides) 1

BIO2420 (Microbiology)

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