As Cancer Registrar, the Cancer Committee Chairman at your hospital in Napoleon, Ohio, has requested that you create a presentation comparing cancer statistics in the state of Ohio.

As Cancer Registrar, the Cancer Committee Chairman at your hospital in Napoleon, Ohio, has requested that you create a presentation comparing cancer statistics in the state of Ohio. She wants comparisons among the counties represented by Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, and Marietta, along with your own county. You will use the Cancer County Profiles data from Ohio Department of Health website to gather this data.



1. Determine the top three cancer sites by county based on number of cases. Create a table that illustrates this data.


2. Create a bar graph to compare the number of your county’s top cancer site cases to the other counties for the same site(s).


3. Use information from the CDC website on cancer statistics to create a graph that compares the percentage of Ohio cancer deaths to total US cancer deaths in 2015 for prostate, lung, colon, and female breast cancers. 2-3 pages

As Cancer Registrar, the Cancer Committee Chairman at your hospital in Napoleon, Ohio, has requested that you create a presentation comparing cancer statistics in the state of Ohio.

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