Article Review


The Love Canal is a neighborhood in Niagara Falls, NY and was the site of a catastrophic environmental health incident in the 1970s. The site was originally the site that was used as dumping ground for nearly 22,000 tons of chemical waste produced by the Hooker Chemicals and Plastics Corporation in the 1940s and ’50s. Over thirty years after the initial dumping
incident, Pregnant women and children were still urged to leave the area after the state began testing water, air, and soil after the incident. In your paper, you will analyze the Love Canal incident as it shows the importance of risk assessment.
Review Read: Love Canal: A Classic Case Study of a Contaminated Community(Love canal: a classic case study of a contaminated community – ScienceDirect)
In your case study, you should answer:
1. What were the main pollutants in the Love Canal, and what impact did they have on
human health in the area, both short-term and long-term consequences?
2. What assessment or mitigation of risk was implemented as a cause of the Love Canal
3. What policies were put into place, if any, as a result?
4. What could have been done differently in both the dumping and assessment of hazards
after the Love Canal incident?
5. What were the short and long term impacts of the Love Canal Incident?
6. Given the current advances in technology, social and public policy, and science what are
the chances of something like this happening today?

Article Review

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