Approximately 2.5 pages (at least two full pages), double spaced. Topic: Drawing from one or more recent periodical articles (not one assigned in this class), select one or more cases of an action or a practice–done by an individual, a group, or an institution–that is legal but, in your opinion, unjust. (Note that this entails you yourself making a moral judgment–rather than an observation about what is or is not “accepted.”) Then, apply (as relevant) the concepts of justice expounded by Sandel (in his Chapter 1) in explaining why the behavior in question is unjust–and so, should be condemned or, possibly even prohibited by law. Thus, what I’m asking for here are principled reasons supporting your moral judgment that the behavior is unjust, reasons that employ the concepts of justice discussed by Sandel (and illustrated in his examples). Be sure to cite your sources and place any quoted text in quotation marks. Also, it is my belief that papers in a graduate course should be free of spelling and grammatical errors, so please proofread and, if necessary, use spell- and grammar-checks. Finally, remember that this is an exercise in critical thinking applied to ethical issues. What matters for me is not whether I agree with your opinions but rather that you adduce serious, thoughtful arguments for your judgments. Public administrators, as decision makers, must possess skills in basing their decisions on sound reasons, including sound moral reasons (i.e., reasons applying moral norms–such as justice–to real-world cases).
Text: Michael J. Sandel, Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009).
– Attachments labeled in page order.Due by Sunday 3 P.M. Eastern
Approximately 2.5 pages (at least two full pages), double spaced.
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