APA 7 FORMAT paper discussion on cultural project overview.

APA 7 FORMAT paper discussion on cultural project overview.


1 page and half needed.


2 Sources cited that are needed.






Do not use AI, cannot be plagarized


The ultimate purpose of professional research is to solve a problem. Whether the researcher

puts the results of the research in writing or just applies the new knowledge to personal practice

is irrelevant. The need to apply critical thinking to finding solutions remains paramount. A

nurse’s skill in making accurate decisions is rooted in their ability to find, evaluate, and analyze

relevant, quality information.

The goal of the Cultural Project is to solve problems related to issues surrounding cultural

differences as they apply to healthcare.

Culture can refer to: religion, race, ethnicity, age group, socioeconomic status, education,

immigration status, country of origin, LGBTQ+ status, relationship status, insured status, etc.

Most people are members of multiple culture groups. Each of these groups can impact health-

related behavior and health care. Health-related behavior can refer to personal health status,

habits, lifestyle, health-seeking behavior and how one comprehends health care.

This assignment will utilize best evidence, clinical experience, and client preferences to:

1. Identify a problem related to culture and healthcare

2. Locate studies related to solving those problems or providing additional information

which allows for a better understanding of the problem

3. Suggest appropriate nursing interventions to solve the problem

APA 7 FORMAT paper discussion on cultural project overview.

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