For this assignment, you will write a 2-3-page (double-spaced) paper and upload it to WebCourses in Word (.doc/.docx) format. The paper will have double-spaced text and use standard 12-point font and 1-inch margins. There is no need for a separate title page. You should cite at least 1 class reading from the past 2 weeks of class (Modules 5 and 6).
Paper Content
This assignment requires that you first read all of the assigned materials listed for Modules 5-6. Your entire Analysis Paper should be based on the materials from these modules, including our course text readings and online resources.
Based on the readings in modules 5-6, your paper should explain what it means when sociologists claim that bodies are socially constructed. You should then explain how the social construction of bodies relates to our understanding and treatment of bodies sexually. In your explanation, you should provide and discuss some specific examples that are provided by the readings. Finally, in your explanation, you should demonstrate an understanding that the social construction of sexual bodies is organized in accordance with systems of power (e.g., gender, race, class, sexuality, age, ability status, etc.).
**You must cite your sources. Below is a sample ASA style reference-page citation for a selection from the Stombler et al. text. Note that the only information to change for other readings are the author(s), reading title, and the page ranges. And when you cite this reading within the text of your paper, you should cite it as (Christina 2019). If you are using a direct quotation within your papers text, the proper in-text citation includes a page number (Christina 2019: 6).
Christina, Greta. 2019. Are We Having Sex Now or What? Pp. 5-8 in Sex Matters: The Sexuality & Society Reader, 5 th Ed, edited by Mindy Stombler, Dawn M. Baunach, Elisabeth O. Burgess, Wendy Simonds, and Elroi J. Windsor. NY: W.W. Norton & Co.
Analysis Paper 3: The Social Construction of Sexual Bodies
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