Analysis Assignment: Deviance and Violence in Sport Assignment Violence in and around sport is well documented and has been present in sport throughout history. Violence is highly visible

 Analysis Assignment: Deviance and Violence in Sport Assignment

Violence in and around sport is well documented and has been present in sport throughout
history. Violence is highly visible in American sport because it is so prevalent in televised
events. For instance, violent plays are shown over and over in instant replays as sport announcers
exclaim over a hit, tackle, block, or body check. Athletes who deliver these violent acts are
lionized by fans and teammates for their aggressive play. According to our textbook, violence in
sport comes in many forms, such as brutal body contact, borderline violence, quasi-criminal
violence, and criminal violence.

With this in mind, and based on your sports interests and career goals, conduct research and
locate an article involving an athlete, coach, or an administrator who was accused of or who
admitted to 1 of the violent behaviors described in this module. Summarize any common themes
based on gender, ethnicity, or social class. Discuss the media’s influence on the information
presented, if applicable.

Your Analysis Assignment: Deviance and Violence in Sport Assignment must be completed based
on the following criteria:

• 2 full pages;
• 1-inch margins;
• Double-spaced;
• 12-point Times New Roman font;
• 2 scholarly resources; and
• 1 biblical passage.

Put a title on the top line of the first page. No other identifying information is needed. You must
also include the reference information for each source in correct current APA format on a
separate page.

    Analysis Assignment: Deviance and Violence in Sport Assignment Violence in and around sport is well documented and has been present in sport throughout history. Violence is highly visible

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