After reviewing the list of health behaviors, select a specific health behaviorwhose frequency you wish to either increase or decrease. You may tailor the behavior to be more applicable to you. For example, you may choose to increase physical activity by walking more, doing yoga, or training for a marathon. If you choose something related to physical activity, you may NOT focus on weight loss or reducing your body shape/size. Likewise, if you choose something related to changing your dietary intake, you may not focus on doing so for weight loss/calorie control purposes. Both of these put you at great risk for developing an eating disorder.
If you wish to modify another health behavior not on the list, please discuss it with me. If you have a current mental or physical condition that could be affected by this behavior, please consult your health care provider PRIOR to changing the behavior.
Review the research literature about your chosen health behavior. Answer the following questions using academic literature, with citations: (a) Why would you want to modify the behavior? (b) What are the benefits to your health? (c) What are the risks? Chapters 3, 4 and 5 (and others) of your text may be a useful starting point and might provide you with a few sources to get you started (depending on your topic). You do not need to turn in these papers, just indicate where your answers came from. (This is worth 60 points, based on how thorough and complete your answers to each of the three questions are, each question is worth 20 points– you will likely need more than 3-4 sentences minimum per question and more than one citation per question to have fully answered these questions).
3) Based on your reading of the literature, determine how you will measure your health behavior of choice and create a coding system to collect data. You will have to decide (i.e. operationally define) what constitutes the behavior. One option is to simply measure the frequency of the behavior. This may be as simple as recording the number of times a given behavior does or does not happen (e.g. # of cigarettes smoked) over a certain period of time. You will need to define the behavior precisely. Does taking a single puff of a cigarette count? Other health behaviors may involve more complex measurement methods. This will require searching the literature to learn about how it has been measured in other studies, and possibly coming up with your own original way of measuring it. Regardless, the way your behavior and/or outcome are measured should be given careful thought BEFORE data collection is begun. All variables must be quantifiable. This will also be worth 20 points
You will turn in your answers to 2 and 3, written in paragraphs and complete sentences. Please include a reference list indicating where all of your information came from. Then begin tracking your behavior using this operational definition (see directions for assignment #2).
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