
As covered in class a few times, particularly on 4/4/24, using information from recent chapters about advertising in both the Corbett and Hendry texts, you are to find a minimum of 3 to 5 advertisements that are available online. You are to save these advertisements as part of an MS Word document, inserting the images (likely .JPG or .jpg files) and then connecting each advertisement to textbook concepts. Your professor will show you how to do this in class. Do not wait to ask questions. You are being given extra time to complete this assignment, so pay attention to details and come prepared to class. Make sure to upload the document to Canvas as the professor will likely access and open it during the class period we complete the activity so all can see the advertisements chosen.

Make sure you do NOT choose articles, but advertisements that feature some aspect of the environment, nature, wildlife, etc. It is recommended that you choose a realm of advertising that interests you personally to avoid selecting the same advertisements as others. While this may occur, the likelihood decreases if you personalize your searches. For this reason of possible duplication, it is recommended that you save and prepare at least 5 advertisements but note that you are required to talk about only 3 of them in the class period of the due date shown in Canvas.

Finally, all that said, you are to connect and explain the following in relation to each of the advertisements selected as follows:

(1) What type of advertisement is it (nature-as-backdrop, green product attributes, green image, environmental advocacy, combination)? Be prepared to explain.

(2) Do you consider the advertisement to be honest / truthful? Why or why not?

(3) Is there anything about the advertisement that is an oxymoron / ironic as described in text and covered in class? Explain.


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