a historical perspective on the social problem

1. Provide a historical perspective on the social problem you chose in Part 1, how the
problem is defined and the prevalence or scope of the problem. (30)
2. Integrate the interview you completed in Part II by describing how social workers
might work with people that struggle with this problem (10)
3. Discuss whether or not you could work on this social problem as either a social
worker or in the profession you plan to pursue (criminal justice, business,
psychology, teaching, etc.)? (20)
4. Provide a list of social service agencies (at least 6) in New Jersey that work to serve
the problem you are focusing on. These must be agencies, NOT someone in private
practice. Include, in your paper, the names, address, and phone numbers for these
agencies. (20)
5. Include a bibliography or reference page with no less than five references. No
references can be older than 2010 and Wikipedia and professors’ lectures and
PowerPoints are not options. (10)

a historical perspective on the social problem

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