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Criteria: Use example from course material to explain your thinking on consciousness.
We have this thing called Consciousness (go and ask your favorite AI if it has some).
Connect material from the TED talks, lecture and the chapter to come a conclusion to WHY we have consciousness.
Read what other students have said and respond with evidence (either personal or external).
NOW for the fun part – use an example of your own person experience to demonstrate that you are conscious!
Response 1 (tho)
I asked Chat GPT do you have Consciousness?
and that was the answer:
No, I don’t have consciousness or self-awareness. I am a machine learning model created by OpenAI called GPT-3.5. I lack subjective experiences, emotions, and awareness. I operate based on patterns and information present in the data on which I was trained. My responses are generated based on that data and the input I receive, but they do not reflect personal awareness or consciousness.
Consciousness is a description of the feeling that comes from internal stimuli, such as pain, hunger, thirst, and the feeling of love or hate, and it also comes from external stimuli, such as hearing voices, feeling hot or cold, and seeing lights. Perhaps that is why Consciousness is important for humans because it is the means to possess sensory perceptions, thoughts, and feelings.
A person loses consciousness during sleep, and this is from my experience, as my wife woke me up and spoke to me. I was aware that she was talking to me, but I was not conscious enough to understand what she was saying, and when I became aware of myself, it became clear that I was unconsciously repeating my question: “Where is the car?”
I used Chat GPT and this is what it gave me.
As an AI language model, I don’t possess consciousness or self-awareness. I don’t have subjective experiences, emotions, or personal awareness. I operate based on patterns, algorithms, and data to generate responses and assist with information or tasks, but I lack consciousness or feelings.
I believe we have consciousness because we can express emotions interact with other people on a face-to-face basis and make intentions and connections.
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