1) Imagine you are preparing for an important assessment. This can be studying for a final exam, preparing for an important job interview, or a professional development certification exam.
2) Write a reflection paper that describes your preparation process and addresses the criteria below.
Identify the outcome to be achieved.
Describe your learning environment.
Explain how self-observation will help with you achieving your outcome.
Explain how self-judgment will play a role in your studying process.
Explain the types of self-reactions you might experience throughout this process.
How will you identify approaches and techniques that were effective versus ineffective?
How will you adapt your entire study process for the future?
3) Your reflection paper should be a minimum of two pages in length.
4) Outside sources are not a requirement for this assignment.
5) Must use vocabulary terms and concepts from chapters 7, 10, 11 in textbook.
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1) Imagine you are preparing for an important assessment.
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