1. Describe the dilemma that Paul George is facing as Safe Boat Trip prepares to launch a hydrofoil ferry service. (no more than 200 words)

1. Describe the dilemma that Paul George is facing as Safe Boat Trip prepares to launch a hydrofoil ferry service. (no more than 200 words)


2. What are the unique characteristics of hydrofoils? ( one bulleted list of 5 unique characteristics)


3. Determine the appropriate notation for the classification (registration) of the hydrofoils. (no more than 100 words)


4. What is the estimated project completion time? Illustrate this using a Gantt chart. You may draw it by hand or use MS Project.


5. Determine the critical path of the project. (show your work either by hand or in MS Project)


6. How important are the activities on the critical path and why are they important? (Hint: Look at the drag of each activity on the critical path and find the activities with the most drag. Drag is calculated by examining the critical path activity’s duration and the slack of any parallel activities. If a critical activity has parallel activities, then drag is the lesser of the critical activity’s duration or the parallel activity with the least float. ) (No more than 200 words).


7. After the site inspection, which critical activities should George monitor and why? (approximately 100 words)


8. When is the business expected to break even? (show your analysis)

1. Describe the dilemma that Paul George is facing as Safe Boat Trip prepares to launch a hydrofoil ferry service. (no more than 200 words)

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