1 Communication Studies 11 Midterm Name: I affirm that I completed this midterm on my own. _______________________________________ Signature Date Please follow the instructions posted in Assignments where you downloaded the Midterm Exam. 1. Outline the following introduction: How many of you regularly deal with stress or feel the emotion of stress regularly? How many of you know about the stress hormone cortisol and its impact on the body? Stress affects everyone and has different impacts on each and every human body through different stages of life. Today, I would like to inform you about the stress hormone cortisol. Ill explain its impact on the body and the different impact stress has on adolescents compared to adults. 2. Outline the following body (first main point): One thing that a lot of people bring up when complaining about country music is that all of the songs sound similar, that there is no diversity. First off, within every genre of music there are going to be similarities. But just like with any genre of music, each song has its own unique flavor and individuality. Not every song is about tractors, and girls and beer. In more recent times, country music has started to branch out a little, incorporating a lot of different music styles within the songs. Most importantly, each song tells a story, and one that everyone can relate to. Country speaks to people on a different level than other genres because although it is simple, it is powerful. I appreciate other genres that tend to be more poetic or metaphorical, but country brings out those feelings straightforward, plain and simple. 3. Outline the following conclusion: I hope I have made it clear that the fast fashion industry is a huge issue that must be stopped. When I learned about the ugly side of fast fashion, it made me uncomfortable that in a way I was contributing to the vicious cycle of fast fashion. Therefore, I quit fast fashion. But trust me, I still have a long way to living sustainably. So, let me ask you, do these facts make you uncomfortable? Does it make you uncomfortable that in a way youre contributing to the contamination 2 of our earth? Does it make you uncomfortable that a ten-year-old possibly made your clothes for $0.15? Does it make you uncomfortable that people have died making your clothes? It certainly makes me uncomfortable. 4. Please explain how to cite the following source in your speech (Please follow the instructions posted in Assignments where you downloaded the Midterm Exam). Alegría, Margarita, Kristine M. Molina, and Chih-Nan Chen. Neighborhood Characteristics And Differential Risk For Depressive And Anxiety Disorders Across Racial/Ethnic Groups In The United States. Depression & Anxiety (1091-4269) 31.1 (2014): 27-37. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Sept. 2016. 5. Please explain how to cite the following source in your speech. Stone, Jeff. TikTok Trend Helps Thieves Hack Kia, Hyundai Models. Bloomberg.Com, Bloomberg, 11 Jan. 2023, www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-01-11/tiktok-trend-helpsthieves-hack-kia-hyundai-models. 6. Please explain how to cite the following source in your speech. Haslanger, Sally. Resisting Reality: Social Construction and Social Critique. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. 7. Write a specific purpose and thesis for the following topic (Informative Speech): (Please follow the instructions posted in Assignments where you downloaded the Midterm Exam) Overconfidence Bias
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